

To help you debug your application, or send information to support, we have set up logging within the Lagoon package.

Inside your tool, you can add the following lines of code:

import logging

logging.basicConfig() # Initialize logging
lg_logger=logging.getLogger('lagoon') # Get the lagoon's package logger
lg_logger.propagate=True # Enable logger propagation
lg_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Set the level of logging on DEBUG

How can I check a class ?

To check if you are using an Item() or an Edge(), you can directly print the variable. If your variable is an instance of a class, the following output should appear, indicating the class name in parentheses as well as the data of the item or edge.

> (Group) {   '_id': 'items/1234',
            '_key': '1234',
            '_rev_: 'b234553',
            'type': 'Group',
            'data': {
                'name': 'My group'
            'createdBy': '567',
            'updatedBy': '567',
            'createdAt': '2017-1...8.580Z',
            'updatedAt': '2017-1...8.580Z'}